Monday 1 April 2024


The cat resigned to stay inside,
staring out from his cushioned settle,
following a fieldmouse with his eyes
until it merged with the moss and pebbles.

The thirty-first was dull.
March had come in like a lion
and gone out like a discouraged one,
leaving April to be defiant.

It will still be spring for a month.
Time for the sun to touch and rouse
flagging spirits and feared outcomes,
making things right, turning them round.

Friday 1 March 2024

The Surrogates' Tale

Old Abraham was eventually led
to fatherhood, by Hagar's bed.
The surrogate begets the heir,
then Isaac sets him back to spare.

Mithra, Constantine
replaced with Christianity,
but kept the details of the Persian god:
Shepherds at the birthing scene,
Magi there for visiting.
Tradition covers up the fraud.

There's Jacob, his harem steading,
his wives' younger sisters bedding.
Wedded wombs and concubines
bring forth the heads of the twelve tribes.

Mithra, Constantine
replaced with Christianity,
but kept the details of the Persian god:
Shepherds at the birthing scene,
Magi there for visiting.
Tradition covers up the fraud.

Mary, handmaid of all handmaids,
when virgin birth was all the rage.
Rhea raped for Rome's first brothers,
Raised not by Mars, but Faustulus.

Mithra, Constantine
replaced with Christianity,
but kept the details of the Persian god:
Shepherds at the birthing scene,
Magi there for visiting.
Tradition covers up the fraud.

Thursday 1 February 2024


Maybe, just to be safe,
they should burn right down
every single dwelling place
in every single town.

It would reassure these tyrants
that the housing list
is as much for migrants
as for arsonists.

If we could exchange
these criminals for refugees,
it would save time on statements
from the dogs in the streets.

Monday 1 January 2024

A Different Woman

As a one-remaining-grandparent child 
I was absolutely fascinated by
the idea of other children going to
their nana's after school.
As a treat.

A far-fetched notion to me
whose grandmother seemed
at the very best, removed.
But, Anna's set of photos prove
all her happy years.