Friday, 1 March 2024

The Surrogates' Tale

Old Abraham was eventually led
to fatherhood, by Hagar's bed.
The surrogate begets the heir,
then Isaac sets him back to spare.

Mithra, Constantine
replaced with Christianity,
but kept the details of the Persian god:
Shepherds at the birthing scene,
Magi there for visiting.
Tradition covers up the fraud.

There's Jacob, his harem steading,
his wives' younger sisters bedding.
Wedded wombs and concubines
bring forth the heads of the twelve tribes.

Mithra, Constantine
replaced with Christianity,
but kept the details of the Persian god:
Shepherds at the birthing scene,
Magi there for visiting.
Tradition covers up the fraud.

Mary, handmaid of all handmaids,
when virgin birth was all the rage.
Rhea raped for Rome's first brothers,
Raised not by Mars, but Faustulus.

Mithra, Constantine
replaced with Christianity,
but kept the details of the Persian god:
Shepherds at the birthing scene,
Magi there for visiting.
Tradition covers up the fraud.