Saturday, 6 July 2013

Nuair A Bhuail Cinniúint Le Seans 's Dréim / When Fate And Destiny Collided

Lán iarrachta, trialach agus stró                                         With much effort, attempt and strain
tógadh dhá shaol scartha:                                                  two lives built but not in twain:
Oideachas, obair 'gus óstóireacht,                                     Schooling, striving, socialising,
Ag siúl amach le nua-theoiric                                             dating, waiting, theorising
gach lá úr ar cá bhfuil sí?                                                   on where she is and what's her name?
's fós arís ní tharla aon ní.                                                  But nothing happened all the same.

I lár an mhaitheas 's an ghéire                                           Amid the great and the unfair
tá tú i gcónaí i d' leathphéire                                              you're always one half of a pair.

Gan iarracht, triail agus gan stró                                       Without effort, attempt and without strain
Siúlann dhá shaol ar aon treo:                                          Two lives are walking one terrain:
Comhchuntas, comhmhórgáiste 'nois.                              Joint account and mortgage now.
Cathain a tharla sé? Conas?                                            When did it happen? When and how?
Nuair a bhuail cinniúint le seans 's dréim                          When fate and destiny collided
Más ea ní bheadh sé duine claon.                                    So he would no more be one-sided.

I lár an mhaitheas 's an ghéire                                          Amid the great and the unfair
tá tú i gcónaí i d' leathphéire                                             you're always one half of a pair.

(Explanation: I wrote this for my friends, Conor and Amanda, for their wedding in 2006. I think I need to add a couple of disclaimer points here 1. I know absolutely nothing about the financial affairs of my friends and the only purpose of mentions of joint accounts and mortgages is symbolic of marriage  2. I don't think either the hero or the heroine of this piece was really wondering if they'd ever meet the one because they were too busy living their lives, symbolism, Baby!!

Also please bear in mind that I was trying to write the same poem in Irish and English while trying to make each one rhyme so I had to be creative....I plead poetic licence. Are you ready for even more symbolism? The reason that I wanted to write this in the two languages is that the couple in question was made up of an Irish person and an English person.
That time in 2006 means a lot to me. We got married the next year and, eventhough we had just started seeing each other, had our secret wedding all planned out by the time we attended Conor and Amanda's in the UK....That was Martin's first time on a plane....and it would be another five years before he would take his first train journey!
Inspired by: Conor and Amanda who seemed to find each other without much searching)