Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Called Early

I tucked the sleeping children in
and ignored the salamander.
It flipped and flicked and fidgeted;
an athletic demander.
I chased it without fright or fear
yet I was playfully outskilled,
it did not hide, but reappeared
and darted to a quilt.
It fitted prone as if to draw
attention to the shape,
I looked intently, then I saw
a matrix in the drape.
I had a tissue in my hold
and picked up the lizard still.
I opened out the window
and put it safely on the sill.
I woke then with the details all
burned into my brain.
That morning I had been called
early by the flames.

(I got up at 04:30 on the morning of 09/02/2017 feeling I had to get the fire lit. I did that and then fell asleep on the couch in front of it. I had the dream detailed above, very bright, detailed, vivid. The "matrix" I refer to was a shape that I can only conclude was that of a uterus. So, I felt (I hoped!!!!) the dream signalled the menopause...I can tell you now for certain that there is still evidence to the contrary.
I've had dreams like this one before, where I see things like someone I know who is pregnant going into labour, and then later that day I hear that they did go into labour at that time. Or others where I knew the sex of a baby. Also, other ones that are not related to babies! 
We'll see what happens. I'm not sure what a salamander is, it was just in my mind after the dream. The creature in the dream was a creamy-yellow colour with black marks on it. I'm afraid to look up the type of lizard I saw in case it's an omen of terrible things to come. But, the dream didn't feel frightening at all, I'll update here if anything relevant happens).