Saturday, 6 September 2014


Transparent wings
of coloured scales,
daring swings
and downward sails
are a far cry
from butterfly.

The stain
of a festival
in the Irish name
fits the bill.
Is teideal an dáin
é féileacán.

Multiple kaleidoscopes
this year:
Reds, whites, heliotropes
as Red Admirals
and Painted Ladys
pied en diagonale
in dainty batterie.
A Peacock proper
displays no feathers
and a Small Copper
Monets the heathers
like a still life variation
of a Speckled Wood's confrontations.

A winner adjective
is army as given
to a caterpillar collective:
Larvae security driven
to maturity perfective.

(We are currently enjoying an abundance of butterflies, notably more than last year. This August was the first time (in my memory, we definitely had even more butterflies around when I was a child)I saw a Small Copper which, although I have tried to explain otherwise, my children think is a baby butterfly.)